Letter to Supervisor Burgis from Chaplain Lewis
As I am sure you are aware Contra Costa County plans to take a portion of the land from the Veterans Memorial Building property for a new fire station.
My name is Clarence Lewis, a 7 year USMC veteran and current Chaplain of the Marine Corp League detachment 1155 in Brentwood as well as a Brentwood citizen since 2006. I moved to Contra Costa County from Alameda County in 1994 as my wife and I believed it would be a much better environment to raise our children. We have watched the area grow into a thriving community. Growth always has its pressures and challenges and I am in full agreement that the City is in need of a new fire station. However, for the city/county to locate it next to the Veterans hall is not the most suitable choice. In fact it appears to be a very poor choice. The impression is that the county's current approach seems to prioritize cost-cutting measures at the expense of downtown businesses and the land that has been cherished by veterans for a century. As veterans and some of us residents of Brentwood, we would appreciate an opportunity to partner with the county to find a more suitable location for a fire station which would not cause the collateral damage that is going to become a reality should these plans continue as they are. With all of the land in Brentwood it is obvious that a location can be found that will have minimal impact on downtown businesses and events while preserving the land dedicated to veterans one hundred years ago.
Proceeding with a suboptimal plan despite the advice from Veterans groups, we firmly advocate for a thorough and thoughtful approach to ensure that the fire station is situated in the most suitable spot from the beginning. It is essential for the betterment of our community, the prosperity of downtown businesses, and the preservation of the veterans' memorial that you consider other options to find a location that will benefit our community. Together, let us strive for a resolution that supports the fire district’s needs, honors our veterans, supports local businesses, and strengthens the bond within our community.
I urge you to reconsider the fire station's location, prioritize finding a better-suited spot with thoughtful input from community members, and in a way that benefits our community as a whole.
Thank you
Clarence Lewis
